Gods and Goddesses
(aka Anqet)
Goddess of the cataract-region at Aswan;
wife of Khnum.
She was epresented as a woman with a high feather head-dress.
(aka Herishef)
Ram-headed god from, Heracleopolis.
A local fish-goddess from the Delta city of Mendes,
Hat-Mehit was usually depicted in the form of
a woman with a fish above her head.
One of the four sons of the Horus,
he was the protector of the liver.
(aka Khonsu, Chons)
The third member (with his parents Amen and Mut) of the great triad of
Khons was the god of the moon.
The best-known story about him tells of him playing the ancient game senet
("passage") against Thoth, another moon god, and wagering a portion of his light.
Thoth won, and because of losing some of his light, Khons cannot show his whole
glory for the entire month, but must wax and wane.
The main temple in the enclosure at Karnak is dedicated to him.
Khons is a protector against wild animals.
Watches over night travelers.
Mertserger was the goddess of the Valley of the Kings, near ancient Thebes.
She was loved as a patron goddess of the necropolis workmen.
Mertserger was represetned as a snake goddess with the head of a woman.
The god of the lotus, and hence of unguents.
He was worshipped at Memphis as the son of Ptah
and Sekhmet.
Nefertum was represented as a man with a lotus-flower head-dress.
A serpent deity of the underworld, sometimes represented with a man's body and
holding the eye of Horus.
Onuris was a god of Upper Egypt, he was
considered the divine huntsman.
His territory was the sky, thus his association with the sky god, Shu.
Onuris was the protector of the hunt; night travel protector.
He was represetned as a bearded man holding a spear;
he wears four tall plumes on his head.
(Ernutet, Thermuthis)
Goddess of harvest and fertility.
She was represented as a snake or a snake-headed woman.
This god of corn who incorporated
the attributes of Osiris,
the Apis bull and
was introduced into Egypt under
Ptolemy I.
The central temple
of the god, the Serapeum was a
world renown center of learning.
(aka Satet) A goddess of the Island of Siheil in the Cataract-region.
Represented as a
woman wearing the white crown with antelope horns.
She was the daughter of Khnum and Anukis (see above).
Seshmu was the god of perfume.
(aka Sokaris, Seker)
Sokar came into the city of Memphis, from the deserts,
he governed fertility and the earth.
He later became a mortuary god.
He was falcon-headed god of the necropolis; cult-center in Memphis.
Related to the teeth of the
deceased, but gained a wider reputation as
the god of the frontier in the east.
Sopdu was the of the mouth of the deceased, or when joined with
the god Horus, became Har-Sopdu.
He was represented as a crouching falcon.
(aka Sepdet)
The dog-star Sirius , defined as a goddess.
Shown as a
woman with a star on her head.
An earth god, from the area around Memphis.
He was represented as a bearded man with a crown of feathers,
solar disc and ram’s horns.
Probably derived of early burial customs,
Tekenu represented the
placement of the deceased in the burial pit.
In order to fool the demons, his image was used as a substitute for the deceased.
He was represented as a crouching man.
He lead warriors to victory and watched over the dead.
Wepawawet heard the appeals of those who sought victory in battle
or clear vision.
He was represented as a jackal or as a wolf,
he carried mace and a