
(aka Tehuti)

T was a moon god who played an important role in the Osiris legend
and the judgment of the dead in the Hall of Maat.
Thoth was said to be mighty in knowledge and divine speech.
The inventer of spoken and written language.
As the lord of books he was the scribe of the gods and patron of all scribes.
He is credited with inventing astronomy, geometry, and medicine.
Thoth was the measurer of the earth and the counter of the stars, the keeper and recorder of all knowledge.
It was Thoth who was believed to have written important religious texts
such as The Book of the Dead.
Thoth is represented as man with the head of an Ibis.
An ibis or an ape. A dog faced ape.
He is often seen wearing a lunar disk and cresant on his head or the Atef crown.
Thoth is the husband of Maat. Brother and some times husband of Seshat.

The Thoth amulet.